The day before the party I called Tze Cheng and tell him:"I got something to tell you all.... Can ask SPBT Form Five seniors to go the room during tomorrow's recess?"
Then he say:" Ar... okay lah~"
After i hang up the phone... I LAUGHED "BWHAHAHAHA"...
Then, the second day, I called Kuan Yan at 7 something, to know what time the form fives recess. KY said:"9.50"
Then I replied:"9.50 arh, okay la."
But I dunno why = =, I am soooo Gan Jiong (nervous), so I decided to ask SH to go school and check when they recess. BUT the SH dont wan to go... so I terpaksa go myself and SH will get the cake from Dee xD.....
<<But hor, Dee did not join the party. TwT....
Then I go school lor. I went to the SPBT room first, to arrange the text books with Hwee Chin and Xin Rou lorh xD...
Hwee Chin brought Spaghetti~ 8D She cook the sauce herself summore~ Damn nice to eat~
Then Xin Rou brought cookies... Kononnya she baked herself orz.... Some more me and Hwee Chin was soooooo HAPPY when she say she baked the cookies herself... Then in the end, she took out on big packet of Famous Amous cookies = =...
Then KY and Xuam Ming brought soft drinks xD...
SH brought candles, matches and one box of tissue. = =
Then about half an hour before the Form Five's recess, the cake arrived... Because I saw them shaking hands with the teacher so I ask Dee to bring the cake... Thanks DEE~~~~~~
Then about 15~20 minutes before their recess we hide in the room and ask SH to jaga the room outside. When the seniors are going to come in, SH called my hand phone... Everyone get ready to shout:"SURPRISE~!" But hor, I shouted too early. = = Before everyone come in I jump out and shout already orz..... Then Soo Yee say, she thought someone changing inside... Sweat....
When everyone come in.... Tze Cheng, Soo Yee, Yih Yew, Yoga and Mukesh's brother... They look so blur = =... Then Tze Cheng he blur until he go in the room already also din know we are going to have a party. Once he go in the room, he say:"I go find teacher first. "
After he come back only he realise there's food in the room = +... Want to give them surprise also cannot... they too blur edi larh .... Somemore not all of them come up together, so me and Xin Rou wan to give those who came up later another 'Surprise'. Well, It memang is a surprise. Some of them know we are inside already. So, when we take the cake (got light up the candles larh) go until the door... Then i shout "SURPRISEEEEEE" .... And what happen next? Suddenly got wind WTH = =
Some of them thought what happen... Why SPBT room so crowded.. So some of them stand outside the door and look inside . Then some of them thought we having birthday party.... Woot the o3o
And I saw SU WERN xDDDDDDDDDDDD~~~~~ SO long din see her TwT miss her soooo much ToT
But then they need to arrange tables for SPM... So they say about 12 they come back and have the party...
So, okay lah = = 12 only have party. But then Hwee Chin gtg before the party starts TwT... So, no choice lo.. she can't join the party. Then KY and Xuam Ming also dunno go where edi... Then Xin Rou... She got meeting at 12.30 so she also gtg. The party started at 12.30/12.45. Because Tze Cheng VERY busy o3o...
Then~ the party starts~ Firstly we open the box.... Then we see the cake inside.... WAH LIAO EH + OMG... THE CAKE MELTED TwT....
So the form 5 seniors all hold the knife together and take one photo.... The SH dunno how to take photo so I help him lorh xD...
And when Soo Yee cut the cake and put it on the tissue... everyone was like EILLLLLL..... The cream macam liquid like that its kinda.... erm.... how to say..... viscoid? o3o...
Then, after everyone take the cake~ still got one piece left there = =... then the cream... melt until too geng edi... make until the table also got o3o I dunno who suggested to play with the cream, then I start playing with the cream. The first person who kena from me is Tze Cheng XD BWHAHAHA... Summore he so blur~ Then suddenly I go high edi, I shouted:"EVERYONE IN THIS ROOOM MUST KENA THE CREAM, MUAHAHAHA."
Then me and Kuan Zee play with the cream lor. We two macam fighting. But fighting with CREAM.
He say:"Good junior good friend."... Don't wan to kena cream = =
I replied:" Good senior Good friend."... Also dun wan to kena cream.
In the end both also kena.... Hands only lah xD...
Then after that I go play with the cream again. Huey Ling very nice to bully because starting we wan to wipe the cream on her face she got fight back but then after a while she din fight back anymore. We just wipe the cream on her face xD
Su Wern and Soo Yee kena tipu. I say their face got stuff then I wipe the cream on their face x3...
Then Mark and Cheng Lu blur until very geng = =... Their expression is >> = = after they kena the cream. They just take tissue and wipe away only. BWHAHAHA so nice to bully... xDDDDD (Junior bully senior? o3o)
The SH fight back until very geng.
First thing, I think because he don't drink Coffee.
Secondly, He don't like tiramisu cake = =...
Then we eat lorh xD...
And suddenly, Tze Cheng say want to announce something... (Because Mark want to go home edi...)
So he announced:
Next year's treasurer, Goh Xin Rou
Secretary, Ng Fen Dee
Vice President, Kong Pui Yin
and the President Ong Hwee Chin....
Everyone clapped.
Then suddenly Mark is standing beside me. So I stand up then I shaked his hand~ (He my leader leh xD)
Then I say :" Who's junior?"
"...." Mark din answer = =... I thought he will say "Mark's junior." LOLz x3....
Mark always make the others smlie and laugh. He is always smling, a happy-go-lucky guy :D
I asked Tze Cheng:" SO.... Now you all pass down the pose... Formally?"
He replied:"Ya..."
I dunno why, suddenly I felt so sad. I really dunno what should I do if the seniors left the school. I think I will miss them a lot.... Sometimes I'm worried... I dunno I can handle the job they pass to me well or not. What if I dunno what to do? Who should I ask for help? Before they pass down the pose, they can always help me. But now, they are going to leave the school.... Who should I ask for help? I cried.... EH, not infront of the senoirs lah... very embarrassing one leh... I went out and cry but I forget to bring tissue... WTF... Then suddenly Wei Lik saw me he ask me why crying.... = = then I say I miss my seniors.... Then he say... Don't be too sad larh... You will meet them again de.... Then I ask... Can help me go in take tissue arh? I say, ask SH to bring out... I don't wan to let my seniors know I'm crying... Then after SH go back to the room (sudah ambil tissue). Suddenly someone came out. Then I was like OMG what I do now? o3o... I quickly wipe away my tears and I turn.(I think they cannot see my eyes clearly since I didin't tie my hair... my fringe should be blocking it...) and I saw Huey Ling. I think she saw me crying and she ask:" What happen?"
When I answer her the time, I say until half I cry again... (WTF is wrong with me can't stop crying....) I say:" I miss you all...."
Then she say:" Never mind one lah.... We all come back and take SPM result then You can see us again lorh :D"
She is always kind to everyone.
We hugged each another... Thank you so much Huey Ling....
Then I go in the time, they are happily chatting. I sit beside SH. Then suddenly Tze Cheng turn and ask me, "Eh, you OK or not?" WTF... The WEI LIK ARH....
And then I cry again orz.... Woi woi, Just ignore me first lah = =
I ran to the toilet and I looked at the mirror... I whispered to myself:" ARH, Kong Pui Yin, you look so ugly, JUST STOP CRYING. Want to cry go home only you cry lah."
FINALLY I STOP CRYING.... Should have did this when I started to cry....
Then I go back to the room xD.... Tze Cheng dare not ask me I OK or not anymore = =...
Suddenly... Yao Zhong came in... BWHAHAHA.... Me and Soo Yee bully him xDDDDDDDD wipe cream on his face. Then Cheng Lu catch his hand so that we can wipe cream on his face (o3o... why reminds me about Tze Cheng and Yih Yew BD... MUAHAHAHAHAHA... I think Su Wern understand what am I talking about.. MUAHAHA...)
Then Yao Zhong struggled = =... AND HIT MY MOUTH orz.... TwT... Pain wei
Then they say the gtg, got chinese class. Then I say NOOOOOOO~ Cannot go!
And they decided to come back later XDDDDDD~
They promised xDDDDDDDDD~~~~~~ So gooooooood~~~~
At first I thought after 20 minutes++ only they will come back...
But after 5 minutes then they come back edi = = Why? No one in class xDDDDDD
So, me, Tze Cheng, Soo Yee, Su Wern and Yih Yew stay in the room and chit-chat xD... The others went back edi...
We chit-chat until half suddenly Mark came back, he left his T-shirt in the room, :O
And we decided to go Sunway Pyramid on 4th of December ;D
Then suddenly I say. Next time we must hang out together also arh. Every year one time xD...
Then Tze Cheng say can make another club... For out-going SPBT-ians. LOLz.
I say, next time I graduate must go out together. Go and drink together xD....
Then Mark and Tze Cheng say, dun wan lah later you mabuk.
I say, Won't lah. I drink one can enough.
Then they say, like that okay larh = = don't drink until mabuk.
I say, Eh, no lah, drink one bottle.
Tze Cheng say, Then later hor, you say, "Eh, no lah, drink one pail." Otherwise you say, '"no lah drink one carton".
After confirming where to go, Mark went back again...
About 10 minutes after Mark left, Su Wern gtg also = =... her mommie come to school and look for her o3o
Then 2.30++ They wanted to go home edi... (What to do, ppl need to study mah....)
Yih Yew and Soo Yee took a photo of Tze Cheng locking the SPBT room door = =
Then we also have to return the containers and some soft drinks to Hwee Chin, so we go library to find her lo xD...
The Spaghetti Hwee Chin cook was nice to eat~ delicious~ xD....
Oh yea 8D Gratz to KY and Hwee Chin again~ I heard they are holding an important pose in PSS too :D
Then before we go out, I hugged Soo Yee.
All the best Soo Yee :D
The another two guys? AI YAAAAAAAAH That two sooooooooo malu one = = no hug lah. LOLz, maybe same age one then won't feel so pai seh lah xD....
When we are going to reach the gate the time suddenly Yih Yew ask Tze Cheng, "Can take a photo of me walking out the school?" o3o Woooot....
And we walk together~ go out of the school... Then I ask them, Where you all turn? Tze Cheng say, I turn right = =.
Yih Yew say, I go straight. Nice, I turn left xDDDDDD
Then what happen? go home larh = =...
I think this is my longest post o3o....
Then, after everyone take the cake~ still got one piece left there = =... then the cream... melt until too geng edi... make until the table also got o3o I dunno who suggested to play with the cream, then I start playing with the cream. The first person who kena from me is Tze Cheng XD BWHAHAHA... Summore he so blur~ Then suddenly I go high edi, I shouted:"EVERYONE IN THIS ROOOM MUST KENA THE CREAM, MUAHAHAHA."
Then me and Kuan Zee play with the cream lor. We two macam fighting. But fighting with CREAM.
He say:"Good junior good friend."... Don't wan to kena cream = =
I replied:" Good senior Good friend."... Also dun wan to kena cream.
In the end both also kena.... Hands only lah xD...
Then after that I go play with the cream again. Huey Ling very nice to bully because starting we wan to wipe the cream on her face she got fight back but then after a while she din fight back anymore. We just wipe the cream on her face xD
Su Wern and Soo Yee kena tipu. I say their face got stuff then I wipe the cream on their face x3...
Then Mark and Cheng Lu blur until very geng = =... Their expression is >> = = after they kena the cream. They just take tissue and wipe away only. BWHAHAHA so nice to bully... xDDDDD (Junior bully senior? o3o)
The SH fight back until very geng.
First thing, I think because he don't drink Coffee.
Secondly, He don't like tiramisu cake = =...
Then we eat lorh xD...
And suddenly, Tze Cheng say want to announce something... (Because Mark want to go home edi...)
So he announced:
Next year's treasurer, Goh Xin Rou
Secretary, Ng Fen Dee
Vice President, Kong Pui Yin
and the President Ong Hwee Chin....
Everyone clapped.
Then suddenly Mark is standing beside me. So I stand up then I shaked his hand~ (He my leader leh xD)
Then I say :" Who's junior?"
"...." Mark din answer = =... I thought he will say "Mark's junior." LOLz x3....
Mark always make the others smlie and laugh. He is always smling, a happy-go-lucky guy :D
I asked Tze Cheng:" SO.... Now you all pass down the pose... Formally?"
He replied:"Ya..."
I dunno why, suddenly I felt so sad. I really dunno what should I do if the seniors left the school. I think I will miss them a lot.... Sometimes I'm worried... I dunno I can handle the job they pass to me well or not. What if I dunno what to do? Who should I ask for help? Before they pass down the pose, they can always help me. But now, they are going to leave the school.... Who should I ask for help? I cried.... EH, not infront of the senoirs lah... very embarrassing one leh... I went out and cry but I forget to bring tissue... WTF... Then suddenly Wei Lik saw me he ask me why crying.... = = then I say I miss my seniors.... Then he say... Don't be too sad larh... You will meet them again de.... Then I ask... Can help me go in take tissue arh? I say, ask SH to bring out... I don't wan to let my seniors know I'm crying... Then after SH go back to the room (sudah ambil tissue). Suddenly someone came out. Then I was like OMG what I do now? o3o... I quickly wipe away my tears and I turn.(I think they cannot see my eyes clearly since I didin't tie my hair... my fringe should be blocking it...) and I saw Huey Ling. I think she saw me crying and she ask:" What happen?"
When I answer her the time, I say until half I cry again... (WTF is wrong with me can't stop crying....) I say:" I miss you all...."
Then she say:" Never mind one lah.... We all come back and take SPM result then You can see us again lorh :D"
She is always kind to everyone.
We hugged each another... Thank you so much Huey Ling....
Then I go in the time, they are happily chatting. I sit beside SH. Then suddenly Tze Cheng turn and ask me, "Eh, you OK or not?" WTF... The WEI LIK ARH....
And then I cry again orz.... Woi woi, Just ignore me first lah = =
I ran to the toilet and I looked at the mirror... I whispered to myself:" ARH, Kong Pui Yin, you look so ugly, JUST STOP CRYING. Want to cry go home only you cry lah."
FINALLY I STOP CRYING.... Should have did this when I started to cry....
Then I go back to the room xD.... Tze Cheng dare not ask me I OK or not anymore = =...
Suddenly... Yao Zhong came in... BWHAHAHA.... Me and Soo Yee bully him xDDDDDDDD wipe cream on his face. Then Cheng Lu catch his hand so that we can wipe cream on his face (o3o... why reminds me about Tze Cheng and Yih Yew BD... MUAHAHAHAHAHA... I think Su Wern understand what am I talking about.. MUAHAHA...)
Then Yao Zhong struggled = =... AND HIT MY MOUTH orz.... TwT... Pain wei
Then they say the gtg, got chinese class. Then I say NOOOOOOO~ Cannot go!
And they decided to come back later XDDDDDD~
They promised xDDDDDDDDD~~~~~~ So gooooooood~~~~
At first I thought after 20 minutes++ only they will come back...
But after 5 minutes then they come back edi = = Why? No one in class xDDDDDD
So, me, Tze Cheng, Soo Yee, Su Wern and Yih Yew stay in the room and chit-chat xD... The others went back edi...
We chit-chat until half suddenly Mark came back, he left his T-shirt in the room, :O
And we decided to go Sunway Pyramid on 4th of December ;D
Then suddenly I say. Next time we must hang out together also arh. Every year one time xD...
Then Tze Cheng say can make another club... For out-going SPBT-ians. LOLz.
I say, next time I graduate must go out together. Go and drink together xD....
Then Mark and Tze Cheng say, dun wan lah later you mabuk.
I say, Won't lah. I drink one can enough.
Then they say, like that okay larh = = don't drink until mabuk.
I say, Eh, no lah, drink one bottle.
Tze Cheng say, Then later hor, you say, "Eh, no lah, drink one pail." Otherwise you say, '"no lah drink one carton".
After confirming where to go, Mark went back again...
About 10 minutes after Mark left, Su Wern gtg also = =... her mommie come to school and look for her o3o
Then 2.30++ They wanted to go home edi... (What to do, ppl need to study mah....)
Yih Yew and Soo Yee took a photo of Tze Cheng locking the SPBT room door = =
Then we also have to return the containers and some soft drinks to Hwee Chin, so we go library to find her lo xD...
The Spaghetti Hwee Chin cook was nice to eat~ delicious~ xD....
Oh yea 8D Gratz to KY and Hwee Chin again~ I heard they are holding an important pose in PSS too :D
Then before we go out, I hugged Soo Yee.
All the best Soo Yee :D
The another two guys? AI YAAAAAAAAH That two sooooooooo malu one = = no hug lah. LOLz, maybe same age one then won't feel so pai seh lah xD....
When we are going to reach the gate the time suddenly Yih Yew ask Tze Cheng, "Can take a photo of me walking out the school?" o3o Woooot....
And we walk together~ go out of the school... Then I ask them, Where you all turn? Tze Cheng say, I turn right = =.
Yih Yew say, I go straight. Nice, I turn left xDDDDDD
Then what happen? go home larh = =...
I think this is my longest post o3o....

Preparations before the surprise party...
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